Freshman Composition Wiki

· Quote from interview at the top (declared major student)

· First Paragraph-

o Talk about what a major is and the importance of a major

§ Definition of major

§ How do majors and career opportunities connect

· Second Paragraph-

o Discuss why majors are hard to choose

§ So many options

· Hundreds of majors and different categories

· Difficult to find the “best” one

o “Best” pertaining to job opportunities

· Third Paragraph-

o Show ways to make choosing a major easier

§ Knowing yourself first

· Find a subject or subjects you enjoy

· Assessment tests

§ Talking with professors and upperclassmen

· Fourth Paragraph-

o Tie it back with planning college career

§ Once deciding on a major, talk about college career

· Choosing college classes

o Talk to advisor

o Certain classes are required

· Taking part in internships

o Get “real” world experience

o Helps solidify major choice
